17FEB2024 | DAY 04 | LENT IN B&W

17FEB2024 | DAY 04 | The vent hood for a household stovetop can be looked at as in direct conflict with the season of Lent…the vent hood helps the various odors and fumes of preparing a meal escape the kitchen…while, yes, there is a safety component to a vent hood that must not be overlooked, the season of Lent is a chance for us to quit looking for the toxic or unpleasant things to go away…no, indeed, Lent runs the other way from a vent hood…Lent demands of us a season where we allow ourselves to marinate in the stink and toxicity of our sinful nature and sinful ways…while not pleasant, without the realization and reminder of our desperate need for the sin in our lives to be defeated by Christ’s victory over the sin and death that has been part of our reality since Genesis 3…