
This week, I offer congratulations to all of you who were able to get out this past Sunday in spite of the effects of Barry - and to those who were unable to get out, let not your hearts be troubled. While we missed you, 'tis much better to be safe than take unnecessary risks.

The first time I celebrate communion in a new appointment, I must admit, is a little interesting as every congregation has their own logistical rituals when it comes to the partaking of the bread and cup. OF COURSE something is most likely to not go according to the way either you - or me, or both - have done so many times it becomes muscle memory.

And, yet, there is something so comforting about dining at our Lord's table in that we are reminded through the liturgy and the actions of communion that no matter where we may find ourselves, we are together with our brothers and sisters in Christ as part of the church universal and triumphant as Christ's guests.

There is something comforting about encountering these outward signs of the inward grace of God that gives us assurance of forgiveness, reconciliation, redemption, restoration, and wholeness that cannot be found elsewhere.

There is something humbling about encountering the bread and cup that is a tangible reminder for us all that we have - by omission and commission - sinned against our God, and drives us to hunger more to live according to God's will.

Let us never forget that the Lord's table, by its very existence, is a beacon that welcomes us all into the divine presence of God - no matter where, or how, or with whom, we gather. Whether kneeling at a rail or standing in line to receive via intinction, we find nourishment.

In other words, Sunday wasn't the first time we've shared communion together. Just the first time we've done it together in corporate worship at FUMC - West Monroe. (And, yes, the picture above is of our table this past Sunday.)

Grace and Peace,