03MAR2019 | Don't Be Shy About It | Transfiguration Sunday

THIS SUNDAY IS ONE OF THE TWO MOST UNIQUE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR IN OUR CONGREGATION, as we have the joy of jazz music provided by our friends from Beauregard's Courtesy. Along with this, and worshiping together in our 1915 Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall, this Sunday brings an end to our HATE: Enough is Enough worship series by looking at some of Paul's words written in what is known as the Second Letter to the Corinthians. These few verses provide us with a stirring reminder of the most essential characteristics we MUST exhibit if we are to be people who abhor, subvert, and seek to eliminate hatred in our lives and the lives of those within our sphere of influence.

To wit:

  • Because of the hope we have in Christ, we dare to be bold, not timid, in proclaiming the all-inclusive love of God.

  • Because of the presence of the Holy Spirit, we have freedom to live as we are called, a freedom that can be found in no one or nothing else, a freedom that demands we live as those transformed in Christ.

  • Because of God's mercy, we have all the motivation we need to endure whatever challenges may come our way, for with God's mercy we do not lose heart.

In other words, given that we, along with the church universal, are observing Transfiguration Sunday, we know that one cannot be in Christ and not find themselves completely and radically transformed in thought, word, and deed.