
Thinking last night about our Palm Sunday worship while getting the first draft of the bulletin printed, my mind visualized the scene of Christ's triumphal entry - the palm branches, the noise, the crowds, etc. - and I wondered what those in attendance did after the festivities died down. Who did they tell about it? What did they tell them about it? After the events of Good Friday, how did their opinions change? Then to see the emotions change again (or did they?) after the women discovered that the tomb was empty...

Then again, while we weren't on the parade route on Palm Sunday, we do know what happened because those where were there told the story to others...who told the story to others...

I wonder what would have happened had they told no one. I wonder what would have happened had no one bothered to write down the stories.

Which got me to thinking about the things we see and the things we share with others, especially as we come into some of the highest holy days of the year. As we encounter the Palm Sunday narrative, gather in a reflective way on Thursday evening to recall the last supper Christ hosted for his disciples (which was chock-full of plenty of controversial stuff in it's own right,) come back again the next day to journey through our Lord's last hours, and finally reassemble on Easter morning to recount the astonishment of the women who found the empty tomb.

What all this got me to thinking about was what is it that we see as we ponder these events? Do we see that every single component of the Palm Sunday narrative is bathed in complete irony that foreshadows the events of Good Friday? Do we see that in every action Christ engaged in as he celebrated the Passover was turning on it's head almost every single societal and theological construct that was assumed up until then? Do we see on Good Friday the absolute personification of true love for everyone? Do we see on Easter Sunday that what the prophets foretold centuries earlier came to fruition - that God is a promise-keeper, that the worst finality that the fallen world can throw at us (death) has no victory, has no sting?

Beyond all that, do we, through our thoughts, words, and deeds, TELL anyone what we see?

It is my belief that there is not a person alive who does not, at their core, seek to love and be loved with all manner of human pretension set aside. What you and I must wrestle with is, are we allowing everyone to see? Are we showing everyone the Christ who came, saw, and conquered? Are we modeling holy love, accountable grace, and sacrificial giving?

While we were not there during that last week, we know, because each of us draws breath, that there's not a living soul who has not been touched by the grace of God through Christ. Do we so order our lives in such a way that any and all can see?

After all, one cry everyone has is, simply, "I wanna see!  I wanna see!"

Grace and Peace, Lamar